Make PT your first stop.

Whether you sprained your knee or tweaked your back, we are a great first stop on your road to recovery.   Let's get started on your treatment right away and get you back to doing what you love!


We know time and money is valuable.  We strive to get you on the road to recovery in as few visits as possible.

Direct access.

The majority of insurance plans allow you to come to physical therapy first, avoiding unnecessary visits to Urgent Care or waiting weeks to see your primary care physician.  Have a question on your particular insurance coverage?  Give us a call and we can answer it for you! 

PT is the key for back and neck pain.

Neck and back pain often can be treated quickly and effectively without the need for unnecessary imaging, pharmacology or surgery.  PT is the best and most effective option for acute spine pain. 

All are welcome.

We pride ourselves in having a safe space to offer compassionate healthcare for all.