Stretching isn't the key to injury reduction.

Chronically tight muscles are an indication that they are fatigued and undertrained for what you are asking them to do.  While stretching may resolve acute soreness, strengthening keeps your muscles from getting so irritable.  Let's  improve your tissue tolerance so you aren't feeling chronically tight and sore. 

"Darcy made sure to work with each person individually to identify their limits and what they need to work on the most. She is super smart, explaining new research, how injuries can be avoided and treated more effectively, and how pain is perceived in our bodies. It was an eye-opening and positive experience."  Quote from YNP participant 2021

Lift with your knees AND your back.

For years we mistakenly thought we should not use our back during heavy lifts but in fact, correct lifting utilizes the strength in your legs and your back in concert.  Whether you are sitting at desk or swinging a pulaski, your hip hinge shape is the key to avoiding and resolving spine pain.  

Expect a catalyst for positive change.

Coworkers learn together, giving feedback on each other's form, celebrating one another's workout successes, and building a stronger sense of workplace community. Employees feel valued and hopeful and the energy is contagious.

Small changes, big results.

Let's learn how to move better, build resiliency and have a positive impact on our wellness.  We offer relatively simple everyday life techniques that will give you the biggest bang for your buck!