Freebie Alert + YOU can be your own superhero

Halloween has come and gone, so you should probably put that mask and cape away.  The GSM team thinks YOU can be your own superhero any time of year and we want to replace your cape with our new wristband!

It turns out we breathe a lot, all day long, and if we aren’t doing it correctly we may feel the results of poor spine stability, poor oxygen exchange and poor stress tolerance. The hardest part of intentional breathing is incorporating it into our daily lives and making it our new normal. But how do we remember to do it all day long? 

First, you could use pain as a catalyst for change. Do you have neck tension? Use that as a reminder to exhale longer. Or maybe your low back gets sore? Use that as a cue to maintain abdominal tension and breathe into your lower back ribs.  

Do you perform certain activities regularly? Identify an activity that you can use as a cue to focus on breathing and bracing. Washing dishes, commuting to work, picking up your grandchild, moving hay bales, or lifting weights are all actions that would be enhanced with bracing through breath.  

Or even better, stop by the clinic and pick up a GSM wristband that has the words right on it: Brace! Breathe! Not only will it remind you to focus on the techniques, you will feel like a GSM superhero. 

Our next topics will include stacking your spine and hip hinging, so stayed tuned over the next few weeks to build on this knowledge. In the meantime, build your foundation!

Go superhero! Go!

GSM Wristbands