Ready set go! Summer is coming!

Did you know that injury reduction is connected to how well we move, how strong we are and how good our cardio capacity is?   Starting to do some squats now can have a big impact on your hiking this summer.   Not only can you reduce the likelihood of an overuse injury (looking at you IT band!), but you are also less likely to tweak something if you do have a slip or trip.   Now is the time to start getting your tissues ready for an active summer!

Let’s discuss how to improve squat strength first.  If you can’t do a full depth squat, which is getting your bottom just below your knees, it might be appropriate to come see us and see what the limiting factor might be.   If you can do a full squat, start by doing higher volume and reps, for example 4 sets of 15 or 21-15-9 repetitions.   If that feels relatively easy, then add some weight which is referred to as a goblet squat.  That might be holding a full milk jug, a 15-pound dumbbell or maybe a 25# kettle bell.   Once that feels accessible, progress to doing step ups.  Start again with no weight and perform the higher reps and sets cycles.  As that becomes easier, add weights.   Keep in mind that if you are going to hike up to Pine Creek Lake with a 15# day pack you will be doing high step ups and step downs all day long!

Lastly, we need to build cardio capacity.  Although longer distance aerobic activity has its place, you can get more bang for your buck if you focus on your anaerobic system.  This involves performing short “sprint cycles” that last for 30-120 seconds followed by a short period of active rest (keep moving but catch your breath).  The “sprint” portion can be your cardio of choice:  brisk walking, biking, elliptical, running, etc.   For example, maybe you ride your bike hard to the end of the block, then recover for a block.  Or you can crank on your elliptical for 30 sec followed by an active rest of 30 sec.   The total time is under 10 min so it’s a great way to do a short, sweet (ish), super effective work out!

Head over to our YouTube Channel and check out the squat playlist with the progression lined out via videos.  If you have any questions or concerns or want more coaching on form and workouts, come see us! 

Hope to see you on the trails this summer!

                                                                                                                                -Written by Darcy Cook, MSPT