So much more than a bubble bath

Self-care has gained a reputation for meaning a bubble bath and a glass of wine.  While that sure sounds good to me, I want to challenge you to redefine what self-care means.  Self-care is an umbrella term that captures many aspects of our wellness including physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and more.  The fad diets, supplements, and pharmaceuticals market themselves as the latest and greatest, but of all the dials we can adjust that contribute to our wellbeing, movement is the biggest dial we have.  Since physical wellness is our bread and butter here at Granite, we will dive into that!


Physical self-care includes many things, but a combination of aerobic and strength training exercises has the biggest impact on your wellness.  Blocking out time in your schedule to do your PT exercises, your Move Better workout, or any other workout routine is self-care! 


Sometimes, making that time for yourself can be harder than the exercises themselves.  Time is a hot commodity during this season when everyone is juggling added responsibilities and time commitments, and it can be difficult to prioritize your wellness before taking care of others.  But, as the delightful airline safety lecture says, “secure your own oxygen mask first before helping others!”  If you aren’t investing in your physical well-being now, you may not be able to care for yourself, let alone others, down the road.  That timeline can happen sooner than you think!  Physical self-care helps us be the best version of ourselves.  It builds confidence and increases function so you can do more of what brings you joy.  It will let you play on the floor with your grandkids, take care of your aging folks, help you age gracefully, and keep your dog walked and happy!


Physical self-care also has benefits that overflow into emotional well-being.  Regular exercise decreases stress, boosts endorphins, and improves mood.  More movement equates to less frustration and stress. Participating in an exercise class provides a sense of community and boosts our social wellness (ask me about suffering through the burpee trenches virtually with my fellow Move Better Series folks). If you are new to exercise, going for a brisk walk requires zero equipment and can have a big impact on wellness.  It really can be that simple! 


Let’s reclaim the word self-care together to build your wellness through this month and into the new year. Remember that self-care is NOT selfish!


                                                                                    -Written by Lexi Klawitter, DPT